, I'm Pandu Utomo

a tech whiz kid

About Me


Hey! I'm Pandu Utomo, a tech enthusiast pursuing a Computer Science degree at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. I'm all about conquering the coding wilderness, specializing in web development and 3D environment design. Whether it's making browsers blush with my web wizardry or crafting virtual wonders, I'm on a mission to shape the digital future—one line of code at a time. Join me on this tech-tastic adventure!


- Responsible for slicing the existing UI/UX into code using the Next.js framework.

- Connecting API from backend

- Responsible for maintaining the website mudahdigital.id

- Responsible for the creation of mudahdigital.id products


Mentor of Backend Basic Study Club

- Assigned to be a mentor who teaches mentees in the basic backend class

Mentor of Backend Internal Project

- Responsible of creating backend for KSM Internal Project Learning Management System (LMS)

- Responsible for overseeing the backend work.

Staff of Project and Research

responsibilities :

- Refactoring existing code

- Implementing UI design to frontend using React.js

- Fixing and adding backend functionapty

- Debugging endpoints from backend using Postman

- Adding tables in the database using MySQL

my main task is to make a accommodation website for PON XX, and the website Will be used for any atlet to find his hotel room.

responsibilities :

- Creating Frontend for Accommodation webiste

- Creating Backend for Accommodation website


Company Profile


Website Iro Iro Station

Part Time

Gemastik 2022 Ankersal
